Re: GTetrinet

Hello, there are some resources on the net documenting parts of the tetrinet protocol :

I'm also preparing a documentation on the 1.14 protocol, I hope it will be implemented in alternative clients as well.

For Jetrix I mainly reverse engineered the protocol by catching the messages between the server and the client, I used the SOAP Tracer from the MS SOAP Toolkit for this but there are many other similar tools available.

Good luck,

Emmanuel Bourg

Jordi Mallach wrote:

Hi Michael,

On Fri, Jun 11, 2004 at 08:07:05PM +0200, Michael Goettsche wrote:

Hi there,

first of all I'd like to say thanks for such a beautiful tetrinet client, it's giving me many hours of fun. :-)


GTetrinet is the only tetrinet client for Linux and I think a tetrinet client for the KDE project is definitely missing, so I thought about starting to develop one.

My searches for tetrinet "standards", the interaction between server and client and such things haven't been successfull and it's confusing me a little bit.

I thought you are probably the person of choice to ask for links to tetrinet standards since you have written gtetrinet.

It would be great if you could point me to some helpful ressources.

First of all, credit where it's due. GTetrinet has been written mainly
by Ka-shu Wong and Daniel Carbonell, with help from others.

Secondly, you're not the first person with the intention to write a
client for KDE. I don't remember who, but there's obviously people
wanting to do that for a while. I guess if it never happened it's
because of the lack of docs for the protocol, yeah.

Dani has been working on splitting the client code from the GNOME GUI
for a while, and while it's not finished, it shouldn't be long before a
test release is ready.

I would recommend you to wait for Dani to release libtetrinet 0.1 and
you start building KTetrinet (or whatever) around it, as you'll be able
to forget about the protocol entirely.

If you're not interested in using libtetrinet, I'm afraid the best
documentation for the protocol is reading gtetrinet's code. There's
no good docs out there that I know.

Dani has promised (hi dani, feel the pressure?) to look at finishing up
the first public version of libtetrinet in July. As soon as there's a
release out, I'll package it for Debian, if that helps at all.



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