Re: gtetrinet -> gtk-tetrinet..

On Sun, Jul 04, 2004 at 04:50:40PM +0100, Craig McLure wrote:
> I'm sure you are asked this question a lot, but is it possible for you to release a copy of gtetrinet which is souley programmed in GTK? rather than GTK-Gnome, Although i do not concider myself knowledgeable enough in GTK, as a KDE user, installing a LOT of gnome libs to run the only decent tetrinet client for linux is some what of an inconvieneance.
> If you do not wish to do this, could you please provide an address of a site which contains some information that would help me with this task?

GTetrinet currently depends too heavily in GNOME technology to drop
libgnome* dependencies. Doing a gtk release would mean making the code
quite ugly to support both versions at once.

The plan to "fix" the lack of KDE tetrinet clients is to split the
tetrinet code off to a library, libtetrinet, which KDE guys would use to
create KTetrinet. Work has been done in this direction already, but it's
not finished.

Suggestion: send fan mail to Dani <bocata panete net> and maybe offer
some kind of donation or help offer. That might help him to stop
slacking ;)

Dani: come back to IRC dude!

Jordi Mallach Pérez  --  Debian developer
jordi sindominio net     jordi debian org
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