Re: gtetrinet libtetrinet tetribot project

(I'm cc:ing the gtetrinet mailing list so people can know about your

El lun, 19-01-2004 a las 23:49, Markus Koetter escribió:
> hi, 
> referring too
> i just wanted to mention, there is a running tetribot project
> if you think its worth a try getting the bot run with libtetrinet let me know

Well, if you use libtetrinet, you'll reduce the amount of source code in
you bot, making it simpler and more maintainable. The libtetrinet code
has been fully tested in GTetrinet, so I expect it to have very few
bugs. So, I think it's worth. Just give me time to finish it :) If you
try to use the library, and find any inconvenience in the API, just drop
me a mail. I still don't know if we'll do a web page for it or
something, but we're going to do a debian package, so you will be able
to download the source code from the debian repository.

> the bot is multiserver capable, i dont know if you library gets that

Well, the main purpose of the library is to allow people to write
Tetrinet clients without a knowledge of the protocol. So, it's not meant
to be able to connect to a bunch of servers (I still have to see a human
playing multiple games in multiple servers at once)

At least, I don't expect the first version of libtetrinet to be
multiserver capable, but with the current architecture it should be
something trivial to implement (just create a bunch of tetrinet objects
and connect each one to each server) Maybe I implement that in the first
version, I don't know. My priority is to release it, being able to build
a standard tetrinet client. Multiserver capability will come later.

Hey, I've thought that it will be cool to include a tetrinet bot in
GTetrinet. Imagine, you will be able to "engage the autopilot", be away
a little and come back to play. That's cool !!

#include <gnome.h>

// By Daniel Carbonell Fraj, mamón itinerante
// Public GnuPG key  $ gpg --recv-keys --keyserver 73D91D7E

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