Re: Derived Gtk::Dialog discomforts

> Now for my problem, this works just fine for windows derived from
> GladeWindow, but there is an issue with GladeDialog as the response id
> are not returned when clicked on the buttons in the 'action area' and
> hence I have to add code like the following in every GladeDialog
> derivative to fix it or wait for run() to return forever..
> Gtk::Button* button;
> m_gladexml->get_widget("cancelbutton1", button);
>    button->signal_clicked().connect(
> sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&SelectGroupAndProjectDialog::response),
>       );
> //etc. for all buttons..
> Any idea why this is not transfered from one dialog to another?

This works fine with Glade derived dialogs for me. If you put a simple
test case online then we can probably find the problem.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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