Re: gnome_program_init() error while loading main window with libglademm

Yes, you should derive your window from Window. Loading it from the gladefile is done by:

---- begin main.cpp ----
Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Glade::Xml> refXml = Gnome::Glade::Xml::create("");
Gtk::Main kit(argc, argv);
FogwerGui* window;
window = refXml->get_widget_derived("app_main", window);

---- end main.cpp ----

Of course you should then also define a constructor for FogwerGui that takes the right arguments like seen in the documentation (, because then you will get a reference to refXml inside the constructor and can load the children of window by using refXml->get_widget().

Andrea schrieb:
I tried to write a little program that opens loads a window from a glade file.
When the program starts I get this error:
GnomeUI-ERROR **: You must call gnome_program_init() before creating a GnomeApp

Have I to call this function or it is the same og a Gtk::Main object?
Here's my code:
>     Gtk::Main kit(argc, argv);
>     FogwerGui window;

> class FogwerGui {
> ...
>    Gtk::Window &get_main_window(); // just returns *main_window
>    Gtk::Window *main_window, *pref_window;
>    Gtk::VBox *menubox_auto, *menubox_generic;
> ... }

>FogwerGui::FogwerGui(MenuManager &m)
> Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Glade::Xml> refXml = Gnome::Glade::Xml::create("");
>    if(!refXml) return;
>    refXml->get_widget("app_main", main_window);
>    refXml->get_widget("win_pref", pref_window);
>    refXml->get_widget("auto_menu", menubox_auto);
>    refXml->get_widget("generic_menu", menubox_generic);
>    main_window->show();

Have I to make my class derive from Gtk::Window?
But if I do so, I can't load the window from the glade file... i haven't understood anything.

What's wring? and I'm sorry... I can't speak English. I hope you will understand me.

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