Re: libglademm question

As far as I know libglademm does not support any Autoconnection and ignores signal settings in the glade file. You have to connect the signals to their handlers manually:
class myWindow : public Gtk::Window
		Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Glade::Xml> m_refGlade;
		Gtk::Button* button1;	
myWindow(GtkWindow*& cobject, const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Glade::Xml>& refXml);
		void onbutton1click();

myWindow::myWindow(GtkWindow*& cobject, const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Glade::Xml>& refXml)
: Gtk::Window(cobject), m_refGlade(refXml), button1(0)
	m_refGlade->get_widget("button1", button1);
if (button1) button1->signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &myWindow::onbutton1click));

I am just trying to write a code generation utility that does not replace the whole glade file with gtkmm code (like the code generators of glademm) but creates code like the above; the glade file ist still loaded and parsed, but the signals (which are ignored by libglademm) are connected in the constructor. At the moment I do not have much time, but I'll try to finish the project this month. If it works I will send a link to the mailing list.

M. David Wilson schrieb:
I have a glade file that has signals and their handlers defined in the glade file. I was wondering if it was possible to a) find out where those handlers need to be or b) find out how to redirect them to a file of my choice. is this possible with libglademm?
David Wilson
gnomemm-list mailing list
gnomemm-list gnome org

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