Re: [gnomemm] More Help Needed

Just a wild guess: have you maybe forgotten to link GnuMu.o along with
main.o ? You need to link both files, otherwise references from main.o
to GnuMu.o (where gnumu is implemented) are not satisfied.
C++ is unfortunatly won't do it for you.

Best regards,

Am Sa, den 14.02.2004 schrieb Dan Pixley um 07:01:
> Hi all.  Another newb question for you here.  I am just learning Gtkmm
> and glade--, and am having problems getting my test program to link. 
> compiling with "g++ -o gnumu `pkg-config gtkmm-2.0
> libglademm-2.0 --cflags --libs`", I get three errors saying:
>  "/tmp/ccrs09HB.o(.text+0x35): In function `main': : undefined reference
> to `gnumu::gnumu[in-charge]()'"   
> The other two errors are similar and complain about "gnumu::~gnumu
> [in-charge]()".  Here are my files:
> GnuMu.h:
>  #ifndef GNUMU_H
> #define GNUMU_U
> #include <gtkmm.h>
> #include <libglademm.h>
> class gnumu : public Gtk::Window
> {
> public:
>    gnumu ();
>    virtual ~gnumu ();
> protected:
>    //  Connect to a new world.
>    //  Test: outputs "Connecting World1" to
>    virtual void on_connect_activate ();
>    //  When the enter key is pressed in the text inputbox.
>    //  Test: outputs entered text to output textbox
>    virtual void on_input_entry_key_release_event ();
>    //  When button is pressed, world is activated in textbox.
>    virtual void on_button1_clicked ();
>    //  MenuBar.
>    Gtk::MenuBar menu_Bar;
>    Gtk::Menu menu_File, menu_Edit;
>    Gtk::Menu menu_Connect, menu_Quit; //submenus.
>    //  Buttons.  Only first two buttons implemented for testing.
>    Gtk::Button button1;
>    Gtk::Button button2;
>    //  Output and input textboxs.
>    Gtk::TextView* output_textview;
>    Gtk::Entry* input_entry;
>    Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Glade::Xml> xml_interface;
> };
> #endif
> #include <iomanip>
> #include <sstream>
> #include <sigc++/retype_return.h>
> #include "GnuMu.h"
> #include <iostream>
> gnumu::gnumu()
> {
>    set_title ("GnuMU");
>    set_resizable (true);
>    xml_interface = Gnome::Glade::Xml::create ("");
>    xml_interface->reparent_widget ("vbox1", *this);
>    xml_interface->get_widget ("menu_Bar", menu_Bar);
>    xml_interface->get_widget ("menu_File", menu_File);
>    xml_interface->get_widget ("menu_Edit", menu_Edit);
>    xml_interface->get_widget ("menu_Connect", menu_Connect);
>    xml_interface->get_widget ("menu_Quit", menu_Quit);
>    xml_interface->get_widget ("button1", button1);
>    xml_interface->get_widget ("button2", button2);
>    xml_interface->get_widget ("output_textview", output_textview);
>    xml_interface->get_widget ("input_entry", input_entry);
>    menu_Connect->signal_clicked().connect (SigC::slot(*this,
> &gnumu::on_connect_activate));
>    menu_Quit->signal_clicked().connect (SigC::slot(*this,
> &gnumu::hide));
>    button1->signal_clicked().connect (SigC::slot(*this,
> &gnumu::on_button1_clicked));
>    button2->signal_clicked().connect (SigC::slot(*this,
> &gnumu::on_button1_clicked));
>    //input_entry->signal??? (SigC::slot(*this,
> &gnumu::on_input_key_release));
> }
> gnumu::~gnumu()
> {
> }
> void gnumu::on_connect_activate ()
> {
>    Gtk::InputDialog dialog(*this, "Enter IP and port (Example:
> (Gtk::ButtonType)(Gtk::BUTTONS_OK | Gtk::BUTTONS_CANCEL));
>    int result =
>    switch(result)
>    {
>       case (Gtk::RESPONSE_OK):
>       {
>          std::cout << "OK clicked." << std::endl;
>          break;
>       }
>       case (Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL);
>       {
>          std::cout << "Cancel clicked." << std::endl;
>          break;
>       }
>       default:
>       {
>          std::cout << "Unexepcted button clicked." << std::endl;
>          break;
>       }
>    }
> }
> void gnumu::on_input_entry_key_release_event ()
> {
>    std::cout << "test";
> }
> void gnumu::on_button1_clicked ()
> {
>    std::cout << "test";
> }
> #include <gtkmm.h>
> #include "GnuMu.h"
> int main(int argc, char *argv[])
> {
>    Gtk::Main kit(argc, argv);
>    gnumu window;
>    return 0;
> }
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Note that you cannot compile this without the .glade file.  I am also
> aware that there are probably lots of other bugs in this code, but I am
> stuck on this first one, and need some help working through it.  Also, I
> prefer to use the g++ command instead of autoconf and automake just so I
> get a feel for that compiler (and I need to learn autoconf and automake
> as well.  One thing at a time though.).  I'm new to lots of this stuff.
> :)  If anyone can spot my linking error, please let me know.  
> Thanks in advance,
> Dan   

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