multiple toolbars with libgnomeuimm

Hi folks,
I'm trying to set multiple toolbars using libgnomeuimm.
The create_toolbar <> (const <file:///usr/share/doc/libgtkmm-2.4-doc/reference/html/classconst.html> Items::Array <>< Items::Info <> > &info) of
Gnome::UI:App class creates only one.
I was trying to use
add_toolbar <> (Gtk::Toolbar <> &toolbar, const <file:///usr/share/doc/libgtkmm-2.4-doc/reference/html/classconst.html> Glib::ustring <> &name, BonoboDockItemBehavior behavior, BonoboDockPlacement placement, int band_num, int band_position, int offset),

but without any sucess. Is there any other way? What about the Bonobo... parameters,
what are they for? I couln't find any docs about how to use this method.
Thanks a lot for answers.

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