RE: [gnomemm] libglademm / widget templates

> I've been wanting to write about this for some time. We need 
> a good "programming with libglademm" tutorial. I'm prepared 
> to write one. Murray, what do you think? Should it be 
> included on If so, it is perhaps best to write 
> in Docbook XML (?), else I'll just write in XHTML and put it 
> on my home page.

There is already some stuff in the gtkmm book, because I think libglademm is
essential to gtkmm development:
Feel free to patch the book.

> I am thinking of including:
>   - why [lib]glade[mm] is the best thing since sliced bread

I think I've done that.

>   - how to use it (from a libglademm perspective, I don't want another
>     Glade tutorial)

I think I've done that.

>   - how to structure an application sensibly with libglademm supplied
>     widgets

Not sure. I've done a bit of that.

I feel your aggregation thing is questionable, but I'm not sure why. Maybe I
don't like the idea of having a class called *Window that isn't derived from
a Window. I don't have an alternative.

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net 

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