Re: [gnomemm] foocanvasmm

On 15 Feb 2003, Murray Cumming wrote:

> > 2. The namespace
> > Gnome::FooCanvas would be the obvious answer,
> But foocanvas isn't part of GNOME.

A common toplevel namespace would still be nice.

> >  however, since the canvas
> > widget itself is called FooCanvas, this doesn't really fly (a conflict
> > between namespace Gnome::FooCanvas and type FooCanvas, when inside
> > Gnome::FooCanvas). I went with Gnome::FCanvas but obviously this is
> > sub-optimal.
> I suggest FooCanvas::Canvas and FooCanvas::Item, etc.

How would a FooCanvas toplevel namespace work with there being also a 
FooCanvas toplevel type?

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