[gnomemm] Bonobomm: See for yourself


Last week, I've finally brought my branch of ORBit/C++ to the level of
completition where it can finally compile Bonobo's IDL files. This,
combined with Murray Cumming's Bonobomm efforts so far, enabled me to
write the first working C++ Bonobo applications: one that embeds an
out-of-proc Bonobo control (without having to write a single line of C
code), and one that creates an embeddable control
(BonoboGenericFactory is not wrapped yet, so this one's not 100% pure

Screenshots of Bonobomm stuff in action:
	* The C++ rewrite of the Bonobo Hello World! application
	* A C++ application with an embedded panel applet
	* 'test-moniker' from the libbonoboui package embedding a C++

So now for the most exciting part of all of this: detailed
instructions on how you can see Bonobomm on your own box.

First of all, you'll need GNOME 2.0. You will then have to overwrite
your ORBit2 with a special branch that contains the C++ ORB and IDL
compiler. This is in the 'orbit-cpp-cactus' branch, so the correct CVS
command is:

	cvs get -r orbit-cpp-cactus -d orbit-cpp-cactus ORBit2

This will give you a new orbit-cpp-cactus directory which you should
configure, compile, and install just like a regular package. It will
overwrite your libORBit-2.so so you will want to create a backup

Then you will need the foundation of the GNOME C++ bindings:
libSigC++ and GTKmm. The bindings for Bonobo itself are in the
libbonobomm and libbonobouimm packages:

	cvs get libsigc++-1.2 gtkmm-1.3
	cvs get gnomemm/libbonobomm gnomemm/libbonobouimm
After all is set up, the example applications in
libbonobouimm/examples should contain enough information to get you
started with writing Bonobo-based applications in C++. Note that
Bonobomm is very far from maturity, there are still lots of open
questions and heaps of unwrapped C APIs. If you're interested, join us
on our mailing list at


   .--= ULLA! =----------------------.   `We are not here to give users what
   \    http://cactus.rulez.org       \   they want'  -- RMS, at GUADEC 2001
    `-----= cactus cactus rulez org =--'
Hrm... I wonder if I paid this month's electr...EOF From client

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