[gnomemm] More gnome-help

Sorry about this repetitious traffic.

I'm still trying to understand the gnome-help thing. I see that all the
functions are wrapped in the libgnome_methods.defs file. I understand
that they don't have a .hg or .cg because there's no class(GObject or
whatever) in gnome-help.h. Are these methods still available through
gnomemm, or do I have to use libgnome.h to call them? I basically just
want to use gnome_help_display("xmlfile", Tag in XMLfile, ...) to pop
open the help at different locations for different subjects in the app.

I saw a Gnome::UI::Items::Help class, but it doesn't seem to do much.
Also, it seems in order to use the gnome_help_display one has to start
up a GnomeProgram* and initialize things, I wonder if that can be
accessed from gnomemm classes?


Steven Githens <swgithen mtu edu>

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