[gnomemm] Help on Canvas


    We have created gnomemm2.0 project in Anjuta IDE.

   1) We have created a canvas of type Gnome::Canvas::CanvasAA
   2) To the canvas we have added a Image item using Pixbuf item
   3) We have also added a item of type Gnome::Canvas::Rect. 

    We have implemented a method to zoom the image and the rectangle
   the Gnome::Canvas::set_pixels_per_unit(). 

   When we try to zoom the canvas it works fine till certain value after

    which it gives us a error message and terminates the program.

   The following is the description of the error we received :
	***attempt to put segment in horiz list twice  

    From the Libart gnome org archives we referred to an unanswered
    regarding the same error message.

    Can somebody please point out what might be going wrong?
    Please provide us with some solution.


thanks and regards,

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