[gnomemm] ANNOUNCE: libglademm 2.0.0

*** liglademm

The libgnome*mm libraries wrap the GNOME2 libraries for C++, for use
with gtkmm 2. They are collectively known as gnomemm. 

libglademm wraps the libglade API for C++. It can instantiate widget layouts 
designed with Glade, instead of writing lots of tedious source code to do the
same thing.

*** Changes since 1.3.5:

liglademm 2 is now API and ABI frozen.

* Glade::Xml::create() now throws an XmlError expection if it fails.
  (Daniel Elstner)
* Minimise use of templates, to reduce application code size.
  (Daniel Elstner)

*** Download 


*** Credits

liglademm 2 was created by these developers:

Murray Cumming
Daniel Elstner
Michael A. Koziarski 
Bradley Bell

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net

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