Re: [gnomemm] How to make my own Menu Items ? help!!!

On Fri, 2002-12-20 at 12:30, gao chaowei wrote:
> I am writing a gnome application. I use gnomemm-1.2.
> I use Gnome::App, since it is easier to set up the window items. Now i want 
> to make the menu. But I found there is only limited set of 
> MenuItem(Save,Open,Close,Copy...). Now I want to make my own menu items, 
> say "Next Solution". I know for "Exit" can be implement like this:
> vector<Gnome::UI::Info> menu_file;
> menu_file.push_back(Gnome::MenuItems::Exit(slot(this, 
> &TreeApp::on_menu_file_exit)));
> How can I implement my menu items that are not predefined?? Urgent, anybody 
> help me???

I waited a couple of hours because you said "Urgent".

>From the Glom source code:

//Non-stock menus:
menu_navigate.push_back( Gnome::UI::Items::Item(_("_Database"),  
  SigC::slot(m_Frame, &Frame_Glom::on_menu_Navigate_Database), _("Choose
database")) );

Murray Cumming
murray usa net

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