[gnomemm] ANNOUNCE: gnomemm 1.3.9

*** gnomemm

The libgnome*mm libraries wrap the GNOME2 libraries for C++, for use
with gtkmm2. They are collectively known as gnomemm. This release should work 
with the 'GNOME 2.0 Desktop Release Candidate' releases. You will need the 
latest gtkmm2 release.

libgnomeuimm wraps libgnomeui for C++.
libgnomecanvasmm wraps libgnomecanvas for C++.
libglademm wraps libglade for C++
libgnomemm wraps libgnome for C++.
gconfmm wraps GConf for C++.

We have also provided gnomemm as one umbrella package, gnomemm-all, for your 

*** Changes:

gconfmm 1.3.7:

* Corrected installation of gconfmm.h header. (Murray Cumming)

libglademm 1.3.4:

* Glade::Xml uses the new gtkmm ConstructParams system. (Murray Cumming)

libgnomecanvsmm 1.3.9

* stipple properties use Gdk::Bitmap param type instead
  of Gdk::Pixmap and Gdk::Drawable. (Gergo Erdi)
* Point: avoid infinite recursion. (Michael Babcock)
* examples/canvas/canvas_events: Avoid infinite recursion (Erwin J. van Eijk)
* examples updated for new pack_start() gtkmm API. (Murray Cumming)

libgnomeuimm 1.3.9:

* Gnome::UI::Items::Icon constructor uses a Gtk::StockID instead of a 
  const char*, to allow use of Gtk::Stock::*. (Gergo Erdi)
* examples updated for new pack_start() gtkmm API. (Murray Cumming) 

*** Download 


You will need the latest unstable gtkmm2, available from the same place.

*** Installation:

The gnomemm libraries should be built and installed in this order:
libgnomemm, gconfmm, libgnomecanvasmm, libglademm, libgnomeuimm.
Or you could use the gnomemm-all umbrella package.

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net

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