[GnomeMeeting-list] Re: Ekiga - Netmeeting or MSN

I have Linux and Ekiga, my friend has Windows XP and Netmeeting and MSN. Is
it possible that we could talk and use web cameras or we need to keep Skype
on our computers still?

In theory you should be able to use *both* Netmeeting or Windows Messenger (not MSN) to communicate with Ekiga. I have been using Ekiga with Netmeeting for years, this is my experience with them:

Netmeeting is H.323, it will work with Ekiga but with restrictions. On the Ekiga side, you should disable the options unsupported by Netmeeting: H.245 tunnelling and STUN support. AFAIK the only workable codec is PCM 8kHz (uncompressed) which will use 64kbps, so this is not workable on dialup. I have installed the Speex codecs on NM, but never managed to get them to operate with Ekiga. The sound quality of the MS-GSM codec is appaling.

Windows Messenger is supposed to work with SIP as long as it is logged into the ekiga.net server. I have however never managed to do that (log Windows Messenger into ekiga.net)

In both cases you will experience issues with firewalls and broadband routers. Ekiga is fairly easy to configure as it uses a limited range of ports, unlike NM. Also, it will trigger NM on the other side to use that same range of ports. So the firewall / router config is valid for both sides. The ports are listed in the H.323 section of the FAQ http://www.gnomemeeting.org/index.php?rub=3&pos=0&faqpage=x161.html

As you can see, using Skype is easier, and that is the reason for its success with the home user. Skype is however a double edge sword: it does NAT transversal very well, and therefore creates a security problem by doing it so well. If you are *not* behind a router, Skype will turn your computer into a supernode, and you will be routing everyone else's phonecalls. In that case you will definitely be better off using Netmeeting / Ekiga.

I hope this helps. I invite other users on the list to correct mistakes and comment on this.
Yours, Stephan

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