Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Full duplex pproblem solved .. ?

 >>"STUN could not create RTP/RTCP socket pair; trying to create
 >> RTP socket anyway."
> And then :
>  STUN could not create RTP socket either.
>  So STUN doesn't work. Your policies might be too strict, or your
>  router
>  blocks STUN. STUN works for registering though,

My ISP ( is changing its anti-spam policies
with stricter deletion policy at server level about now which could 
be affecting NAT traversal. I might wait until things settle 
down in the next few days.

2.0.1 on WinXP does not have these problems (nor did 2.0.1 on Sid).
I can use it to call out but cannot receive calls in the Sid partition 
where I spend most of my time.

I've downloaded libosip2-2.2.2.tar.gz  & siproxd-0.5.13.tar.gz but
untarring the latter gives me "gzip: stdin: not in gzip format". 
It was not downloading fully on repeated attempts & 'apt-get install siproxd' 
could not connect to the server.

I think I'll try adapting your FAQ iptables and see how things work
next week.



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