[GnomeMeeting-list] Nat traversal

I have cut and pasted the following information from the screen which appears 
when I access my wireless modem with a browser.


Custom Configuration	TCP	5235 - 5236	192.168. 2. 10	
Custom Configuration	UDP	5237	192.168. 2. 10	
Custom Configuration	UDP	5000 - 5100	192.168. 2. 10	
Custom Configuration	TCP	5060	192.168. 2. 10	
Custom Configuration	TCP	30000 - 30010	192.168. 2. 10	
Custom Configuration	UDP	8000 - 8005	192.168. 2. 10	
MSN Netmeeting
Microsoft Messenger Service
CU-SeeMe H323
AOL Instant Messenger	TCP	1720	192.168. 2. 10


The first two lines represent the ports which must be opened for Qnext.  The 
third line represents the ports which the ekiga.org site says have to be 
opened to let Ekiga work behind my modem/router/firewall.  The ports are 
forwarded to my machine at

Having done all that, the configuration druid still reports that I'm behind a 
symmetric firewall.  Is that expected?  Not according to the information on 
the ekiga site.  What exactly does that mean for being able to receive 
incoming calls?

I am currently registered with two sip registrars - ekiga and freeworlddialup 
(FWD).  When I log on to the FWD website, I am able to access a callme 
feature which places a call from that site to my FWD number.  Ekiga will 
answer that call but the results are uncertain.  Sometimes, Ekiga will report 
that the audio device cannot be started.  Other times a connection is made 
and I am able to receive sound but not transmit (at least according to FWD).

Calling 613 FWD or 500 ekiga net allows me to conduct successful echo tests.  
I am able to call 501 ekiga net and make a connection but there is dead 
silence.  Is this expected.  Both 520 and 530 also appear to work.

Bottom line.  Can I expect ekiga to work or not on my system despite the 
symmetric NAT response from the druid?


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