Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] powerpc deb packages for gnomemeeting-cvs

Hi Tamas,

> Kilian,
> In the meantime, could you please help me on how to build them?  I
> tried it, but got the following errors (I have never built a package
> myself below, thought that apt-get would satisfy all dependencies):

well, in general you'll always need to go through this order: pwlib,
opal, gnomemeeting-opal-cvs (which I just renamed to gnomemeeting-cvs,
but which is not yet on the mirrors).

From there, you'll need to follow:
for package in pwlib-cvs, opal-cvs, gnomemeeeting-opal-cvs;do
	apt-get build-dep $package
	apt-get -b source $package
	dpkg -i ...$FOO_BAR (<= install the just produced packs)

If you can hold on some more hours, I've just started to look into
hacking a quick&dirty remote building script for ppc.

Best regards,

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