Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] [Bug 337519] after exiting ekiga , cpu goes to 100% and dump core

Niv a �it :
First problem :

but the third line calls an non-existing file:

This is no issue : the configure script is there to find things. And on the next line, you see it found autoconf:

checking for autoconf >= 2.53...
  testing autoconf2.50... not found.
  testing autoconf... found 2.59

Second problem:
Please consider replacing this line in the FAQ:

Ekiga: $ ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc && make && make install

with: suggest:
./ --with-pwlib-dir=/usr/local --with-openh323-dir=/usr/local
- --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc/ && make && make install

No. The FAQ explains how to compile the stable, released version of ekiga on a normal system, while the snapshots page, as its name implies, explains how to compile cvs snapshots on a development system.

Third problem :
You quoted a full bugzilla mail, but without any comment... what was the point !?

Hope this helps,

Snark on #ekiga

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