Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] GM hangs....freezes

Hi, Damien,

What kind of backtrace are you taking about? There's no core dump or anything like that. Want more debug output?

Damien Sandras wrote:

could you capture a backtrace of the hang and post it here?
Does it also hang if you disable video?

Le samedi 10 septembre 2005 à 10:59 -0400, Eric Berg a écrit :

I'm running on Fedora FC4 and GM is coming up reeeeeally slowly. Then it hangs. I can sometimes get a few seconds of local video to display, but as you can see from the attached log entries (-d6), it takes a long time.
I've run under strace before using 1.2.1 and saw gm hang while trying to 
connect to a local socket.  Is something else supposed to be running to 
which it connects?
Also under strace I've seen behavior where gm is running continuous 
multiple gettimeofday() commands...what's up with that?
I'm behind an iptables firewall, but all connections initiated from 
within are allowed.  This host is the fw box, so there's no NATing.
Any help you guys can give me is appreciated.  Thanks very much for all 
the good work.

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