[GnomeMeeting-list] Gnomemeeting 1.0.2, firewire cameras, and kernel 2.6


I have GM 1.0.2 running on Gentoo with 2.6 kernel.
I had partial success with my firewire camera with
libdc1394 support. I am waiting for a bugfix at the
momeny, so I dropped to the usb camera.

The usb camera is a quickcam and I am using the qc-usb
drivers (0.6.1).

I my firewall and everything setup today, and started
calling people. I got voice part allright, as well as
to receive video, but I had no success sending video.
GM shows local video allright but as soon as we get in
a connection the local video gets garbaged. (mixed up

Then something strange happened out of blue. GM works,
but when someone accepts my call, it crashes. Totally.
I tried running with -d 4 option. It doesnot provide
anything except: Failed to load avcodec_set_print_fn
(and this is during when it starts up)

This is what I dont understand. This WORKED. and now

How can I debug?



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