Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] GM setting for gnugk

Yoriaki FUJIMORI a écrit :

Thanks for your responce.

When I tried to register to the gatekeeper on the server,
I got an error message popup on a client side, something

You are not allowed to register to the gatekeeper.
Please check your login, password and firewall.
telnet <GK IP> 1720
telnet <GK IP> 7000

If you receive connection refused, your server is not running/accessible

I do not see why this error message referes to user id.
# Someone wrote cwhuang in passwd.ini.  So, I have to set
# up a common user id for one gnugk server, and create
# passwd for this user.

I tried to set up passwordless register(?) on my server, and clients
are now connected, I hope, to the server, but outbound call does not
give me (client) back the remote video/audio stream.  The address of
the outside host is recorded in log, but it seems gnugk does nothing
for that.
telnet <GK IP> 7000
You will find all info you need

Meanwhile, gnugk's log seems to give no clue to what wrong with my
gnugk.ini;  different wording seems to be used.
If calls are passing through your GK you *must* see them in the GK logs (RCF=registration confirm) as well as the registration of your EP (New EP). Also, if your radius authentication failed, its *also* in the GK logs.


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