Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] GM 1.0.1 Under SuSE 9.0 Pro Athlon


this is due to a SuSE bug. However, we are releasing 1.0.1 this week, we
will have updated packages for SuSE, and they will contain a workaround
for that SuSE bug.

Notice that you can find a solution to that problem by looking at the

Le lun, 22/03/2004 à 21:45 +1100, Grahame M. Kelly a écrit :

> Hi.
> I have installed all the new rpms and apart from getting the following
> error from "ldconfig"
> glider:/home/gmkelly/Downloads/GM # ldconfig
> ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not an ELF file - it has the 
> wrong magic bytes at the start.
> ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not an ELF file - it has the wrong 
> magic bytes at the start.
> no problems installing the newly made rpms.
> I had the problem of the popup error message from starting GM,
> looked up the FAQ, and found the SuSE 9.0 equivalents
> and modified chmod are required, and killed any/all running
> gconfd-2. As you can see below.
> glider:/usr/lib # chmod -R 4755 /etc/opt/gnome/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/
> glider:/usr/lib # ps aux|grep gconfd-2
> gmkelly   4490  0.0  0.8 11640 8672 ?        S    Mar21   0:00 /opt/gnome/lib/
> GConf/2/gconfd-2 12
> root     11659  0.0  0.0  1832  632 pts/3    S    21:37   0:00 grep gconfd-2
> glider:/usr/lib # kill -9 4490
> glider:/usr/lib # ps aux|grep gconfd-2
> root     11661  0.0  0.0  1828  620 pts/3    R    21:38   0:00 grep gconfd-2
> Unfortunately I stll get the same GM message on restart.
> Bummer. Anyone offer a solution.
> Much thanks. 
> Cheers. Grahame.
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