[GnomeMeeting-list] Re: ILS : another possibility

On Mon, 15 Mar 2004 11:11:14 +0100
Damien Sandras <damien sandras it-optics com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Another possibility is to allow everybody to register to ILS, but mark
> "unreachable" persons as "busy", they will thus appear grayed out.
> Is that a better idea?

If the user is registered ("greyed" or not) they still impose a load on
the server. Having greyed users may well confuse people who do not
understand that they cannot be called. It also does not force those
"grey" users to fix their configuration or go elsewhere.

My thinking is that if a person cannot be called, they not should be


 Craig Southeren, craigs postincrement com http://www.postincrement.com
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