Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Re: [Fwd: gnomemeeting on debian/woody]

Yes, then my question is again: what are the strict minimal dependancies
to gnomemeeting to add on ?
I don't want to distribute packages that are not strictly required by

Le 5/3/2004, "Kilian Krause" <kk verfaction de> a écrit:

>Hi Damien,
>Am Fr, den 05.03.2004 schrieb Damien Sandras um 17:47:
>> >pretty easy: all BUT gnomemeeting*, libpt*, libopenh323* ;)
>> >i.e. alsa*, libasound*, libxml*
>> >
>> Ah, so libxml-python is required to make gnomemeeting work? Then there is
>> a bug in some of the packages...
>nope, but that's the source of SID being plain rebuilt with as few
>efforts as possible.. thus it includes the updated libxml-python.. 
>(even though against python2.2 instead python2.3, which i refused to
>backport too.. just like JACK and doxygen depends were removed from
>Best regards,
> Kilian

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