Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] To attention of Damien Sandras: offers for GM's wishlist...

27 Февраль 2004 17:44, Damien Sandras написал:
> >This is all for this moment. We will glad if at least some
> > of our wiches will be included in you TODO.
> Most of your wishes are implemented in 1.00, which is a very
> good news. We will release it next week. Perhaps it would be
> a good idea to upgrade, try it, and tell us your feedback, in
> other words, even if we implemented things in another way
> than what you are suggesting, is it good or bad for your use.
> Thanks!

OK, I'll do it, but I can't give any warranty that it will be 

The reason is that we work on specific Russian-localized distro 
(ALT Linux), and I'm not sure that it will be easy for me to 
compile GM+libpw+libopenh323 in this distro.. If I'l cant do 
it, I'l had to wait when distributors from ALT Linux will have 
time to assemble RPM's...


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