Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Logitech 4000 video error

The pwc and pwcx modules are the drivers for the Logitech 4000 cam.

I'm not familiar with SUSE and where your modules would be. In Red Hat they are in /lib/modules/<kernel.version.number>/kernel/drivers/usb.

Try from root insmod pwc and see if it loads. If it does then do a find / -name pwcx* -print and see where the pwcx module is, and if it is not in your new kernel module tree, then move it there or load it explicitly from where it is.

I load the pwcx module from my modules.config file like so:

# Quickcam 4000 Drivers
post-install pwc /sbin/insmod --force /lib/modules/2.4.20-20.9/kernel/drivers/usb/pwcx-2.4.20.o >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
options pwc power_save=0 compression=3 size=cif leds=500,500 fps=10

This loads the pwcx module after the pwc module is loaded and then passes some parameters to pwc.

If your camera worked before then you have the pwc and pwcx modules on your system somewhere. If the pwcx module is not on your machine, then in GM you will only be able to transmit "small" video.

You may have to recompile the pwc module if you get unresolved symbols errors when you do depmod -a since you have a new kernel.

I hope this is not too confusing and is relevant to SUSE. Maybe someone on the list that runs SUSE can elaborate better.


No, I don't see the pwc and pwcx drivers, yet.

What does this mean?

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