Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] [PATCH] Better integration with Video4Linux for PWLIB

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On Tuesday 23 September 2003 00:17, Derek Smithies wrote:

I'll be short on this one.

> <rant>
>  One of the goals of linux people the world over is to replace MS with
> Linux. 

Is it? Not for me.

> Buggy drivers, (drivers that fail to meet the spec)
> Authors who say, my driver meets the spec - it works with xawtv.
> This is  a stupid and obnoxious comment.
> STOP the crap software. fix the driver. make the driver meet the spec.
> work harder. get it right.

Upon reading this rant, I decided to stop following this discussion.
Furthermore, I'm not going to help anyone anymore with Gnomemeeting

First off: the PWC drivers work excellent with a lot of software; not just
xawtv or another single tool. The PWC driver meets the "spec", as far as
that means anything because the document is sometimes vague, and
incomplete. I even daresay PWC behaves a lot better than other webcam

I content I may have accidently broken something in recent PWC version.
Fine, it happens, I know. No problem, we'll fix it. But for that, I need
your help! Linux is all about open source. So in case something breaks, you
can have a look yourself and see where I'm going wrong. Or provide me with 
enough information to find the bug. And 

But now, all I got
recently were messages like: "hey, the size your PWC returns is wrong , NOW 
FIX IT!". Sorry, I don't respond very well to that.

> If linux video and sound drivers cannot work "out of the box", then there
> is no hope of overtaking microsoft.

I have obsolutely no interest in taking over Microsoft. Sorry, this anti-MS
attitude I find highly annoying.

> Yes, I know that microsoft code has many drivers that "don't work right".
> That is no excuse.
> The goal for linux is for all drivers to work.
> If we can achieve that goal, linux has a chance.
> </rant>
> Derek.
> P.S. sorry for venting/ranting, but I am sick of substandard driver code.
>     it wastes so much developer time, getting applications to work with
>      buggy drivers.

Thanks, you've just labeled 3 years of quite dedicated work as
"substandard". If you really want to improve things, then contribute to this 
'substandard' code to make it *good* quality, not rant about it, even in 
</rant> tags.

All you have done now is piss me off greatly, and I'll be polite enough not 
to use swearwords or four letter words but know this: Gnomemeeting and 
OpenH323 are going to be very low on my priorities list from now on.


 - Nemosoft

Linux Philips webcam driver page:
Includes FAQs, links to working programs and lots of info.

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