Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Logitech 4000 cameras and gnomemeeting

Thnxs ;
I had installed gnomemeeting on a RedHat 7.3 Linux . (with no patches to the kernel)
I had tried it with 2 logitech 4000 cameras.
The video is very good.
regarding the Audio Quality:
The audio driver I use is the (kernel original) audio.o
I saw in the kernel log (which is /var/log/messages on RH7.3)
that the audio was recognized as dsp 14,35 which is /dev/dsp2.

Note: ******the mixer is recognized as 14,16***************** !!

(and indeed cat /dev/dsp2 yields a binary result and not a "no such file").
So I had configured gnomemeeting recoreder to be /dev/dsp2.
Now regarding the mixer, I have some problem.
when I do cat /dev/mixer0, cat /dev/mixer1 , cat /dev/mixer2, cat /dev/mixer3 I get
cat: /dev/mixerN : no such file or directory.

Well, I had tried to enter a blank field in the Recoreder Mixer filed (it is possible in this version of gnomemeeting for RH7.3 , but it is impossiblle on the later version
for RH9 since there you have to select from a list of mixers in a combobox).

The result is that I do have an unbearable echo which become more louder during time .
(it ends up in something like a loud long beep)
Well , I assume that I should use a mixer and this causes the problem.
Mayne I miss some driver for the mixer ?
It seems to mt that somehow I should be able to get results
when performing cat /dev/mixerN (where N is 0 and 2 ?)

Truly  this problem is not a gnomemeeting problem but I hope
that somebody  who used logitech 4000 with gnomemeeting
as I am not an audio expert on Linux.
Another question : to make sure : is the Echo Cancelltion option I saw in setting (in the RH9 version) is not relevant when using the logitech 4000 camera? (is it only relvant
to Quicknet cards? )

From: Damien Sandras <damien sandras it-optics com>
Reply-To: gnomemeeting-list gnome org
To: gnomemeeting-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Logitech 4000 cameras and gnomemeeting
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 12:40:51 +0100


Le mar 18/11/2003 à 12:29, sting sting a écrit :
> Hello,
> I have a logitech 4000 camera with a built-in microphone.
> my question is :
> did anybody tried this camera with gnomemeeting ?

Plenty of people.

> did it went OK?


> and regarding the sound quality - was it  OK?


> did he had any echo ? (when hearing the voice with speakers)?


> and in case he had - was there a solution/workaround for this (besides
> lowering the volume to a
> minimim)?

Use a headset.

> regards,
> sting
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