Re: Re: Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Lack of gonf/gconf_client.h

Thank Georgi very much,I felt it is like windows registry somewhat:)


======= 2003-05-30 16:00:00 您在来信中写道:=======

>On 30/05/2003 at 13:22:42(+0800), $B2+Y6Jv(B used 1.3Kbytes just to say:
>> Thank Georgi Georgiev,but I feel puzzled still.
>> Could you explain the "gconf" in detail or introduce me some documents?
>> I do not know what the gconf is used for.Why does it not exist in the sourcecode?
>Because it is a separate package. Gconf is something gnomemeeting needs (much
>like openh323 or pwlib) and something that you get with gnomemeeting. It is a
>part of gnome or something. Windows registry coming to linux :) It is not nice
>that the configure of gnomemeeting does not detect the missing gconf headers,
> /^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\/^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\
>/ Georgi Georgiev    (-<     / When I was 16, I thought there   \
>\ chutz chubaka net  /\   .o)\ was no hope for my father. By    /
>/ +81(90)6266-1163  V_/_ |(/)/ the time I was 20, he had made   \
>\                   ^^^^^^^^^\ great improvement.               /
> \___________________________/\________________________________/
>GnomeMeeting-list mailing list
>GnomeMeeting-list gnome org

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