Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Quicknet


You probebly need to make the device with mknod like this:

mknod /dev/phone0 c 100 0
mknod /dev/phone1 c 100 1

And then chnage the premissions on /dev/phone0 and /dev/phone1
so that it works.

Cheers Johnny

Pierre Cros wrote:

I use Debian Sid with a 2.4.20 Kernel and I just installed a Quicknet Internet
phoneJack PCI. Everything is Ok with the modules according to the log files. I
have this two lines after a lsmod : ixj 422724 0 (unused)
phonedev                2656   1  [ixj]

But I don't have any /dev/phone device and Gnomemeeting doesn't seem to detect
the card.

I'm don't really know what to do... Any idea ?

Thanks a lot.

Pierre Cros
net tn
tel: 00 90 537 311 10 48 - 00 33 6 64 46 19 69

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