Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] gatekeeper problem?

Perhaps you can upgrade to the latest CVS of the v2_0 branch of GNU GK?

If they answer you on the GNU GK mailing list, please post their answer
here... Thanks!

Le ven 07/03/2003 à 05:25, Marc Williams a écrit :
> I posted the following to the gnugk mailing list but thought I would
> post a copy here in case anyone can help out.  Thanks!
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> I would appreciate anyone's help in either confirming or refuting this
> bug.
> I am running gnugk 2.03 successfully except for one thing: video
> sessions between Gnomemeeting and Netmeeting.  Here's the specifics:
> All nodes both in the LAN and out register with the gnugk
> Audio works fine all the time
> Video works fine NM <-> NM
> Video works fine GM <-> GM
> Video does not work correctly NM <-> GM
>         NM user can see GM user
>         GM user cannot see NM user          <---***PROBLEM***
> It doesn't matter if the nodes are both in the LAN, both out, or one of
> each.  The results are the time.
> If I remove the gatekeeper from the equation and test with direct IPs,
> the problem goes away so I don't think it's a client issue.
> My current pwlib, openh323, and Gnomemeeting are the latest (as of this
> morning) but the problem occurred with the previous versions also. 
> Seems to me I had this problem with gnugk v2.02 also but I can't be
> sure.  The gnugk is on a fully patched RH 7.1 machine.
> Other than this annoyance, the gnugk works very well.
> If anyone has any hints about this, I'd sure appreciate hearing them. 
> Otherwise, please just help confirm or refute.  Thanks!
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