Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] registering to an ILS through the gnugk proxy

Damien Sandras wrote:

Le ven 20/06/2003 à 13:11, daniel huhardeaux a écrit :
Yes. But the problem is not from gnugk but from your firewall. You have to patch the kernel from your firewall with the h323 patch for iptables (kernel 2.4.18 and above). If you just have a GM client, iptables DNAT rules (port tcp 1720 30000:30010 udp 5000:5003) to this client is sufficient.
I insist to say once more that :
- the kernel patch is NOT needed for GnomeMeeting at all as GnomeMeeting
works with simple port forwarding, no patch required
- the kernel patch ONLY works with Netmeeting and NOT with GnomeMeeting
or other OpenH323 clients.
Damien, you misread me? That's what I was saying ;-)

:  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ __  daniel huhardeaux tootai com
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