Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] xinetd

Damien Sandras wrote:
I don't know if xinetd is appropriate to start GUI's. But I think you
should ask this question on the xinetd mailing list.

Good point. xinetd is not running in an X environment and therefore it would be unable to start the gui. I bet whatever you want that something similar to:

(gnomemeeting:3247): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:

appears in some error log once xinetd tries to run gnomemeeting.

/ Georgi Georgiev    (-<     / The wise man seeks everything in \
\ chutz chubaka net  /\   .o)\ himself; the ignorant man tries  /
/ +81(90)6266-1163  V_/_ |(/)/ to get everything from somebody  \
\                   ^^^^^^^^^\ else.                            /

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