Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Excessive CPU utilization when video is static

Hello Kevin,

Le mer 20/08/2003 à 23:38, Kevin Oberman a écrit :
> OK. I'm totally mind-blown by this one. I don't know if it's really a
> GnomeMeeting issue or it it should go the the OpenH323 list, but I
> suspect that someone here will at least know where to look.
> I installed GnomeMeeting 0.96.1 on my FreeBSD 4.8-Release dual 2400+
> Athlon system. It was really for testing, so I had the camera pointed
> off at the door. While the jitter buffer dropped to under 93 ms, the
> received image became rather broken up and portions did not update. It
> was pretty useless. The CPU that the process was running on maxed out
> with the GM process using 98% of the CPU. Everything about GM became
> non-responsive. Even hanging up a call took several seconds.
> I then discovered that the problem went away if there was motion in
> the video. If things were moving quickly, the CPU dropped to about
> 20%. If I just pointed it at my head while at the keyboard, it varied,
> but stayed under 80% and things looked fine. Cut off the camera (solid
> blue screen) and the CPU jumps to 98%.
> Any idea what is going on here? Is there a bug causing the video codec
> to loop when it has nothing to do?

It doesn't happen under linux. I know that the syntax of usleep among
others differs between BSD and Linux. I suspect a bug of that kind in
the video codec. I'm cc'ing Roger so that he can try to reproduce the

> Any ideas would be appreciated. In the meantime, I think I'll find
> something motorized to keep some activity in the video.

If you have any experience in coding perhaps you could try to use gdb to
determine where there is a "mad" loop.
 _	Damien Sandras
(o-	GnomeMeeting:
//\	FOSDEM 2003:
v_/_	H.323 phone:  callto:// seconix com

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