Re[4]: [GnomeMeeting-list] Connection problems

Hi Jason,

BJ> I will give it my best but my networking skills aren't the best.
BJ> By the way, what is NAT? How does it differ from a normal net
BJ> connection?

NAT is Network Address Translation. A direct connection has some
internet ip address which is valid right away.. but with subnet
routing you often have private addresses which are mapped to the one
official ip of the router. (this seems to be your case)
private ips can be like 192.168.x.y, 10.x.y.z, 172.16.x.y

now the problem with your connection is, that this mapping needs to
find all packets that have to get to your host by "guessing", as
they're all addressed to the router ip (the only 1 internet ip you
have, where else should it go *gg* ;)). problem now is that your
router has to resend it to your host. and here the problem is, that
he's probably not having loaded a logic to do so..

for linux and hardware routers it's often a kernel module you have to
load. i'm not sure what M$ win routers have to be setup like (for
h323).. but as i say: good luck, and please contribute back, whatever
you find, so others will know where to search next time..


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