Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] GnomeMeeting PRO

 This is a joke, tell me it is, please!...
well, I just woke up, maybe a nightmare.

Damien Sandras wrote:
Dear future customers,

We are proud to announce today the upcoming release of GnomeMeeting PRO.
GnomeMeeting PRO is the successor of GnomeMeeting GPL supporting TCPA to
secure your calls. GnomeMeeting PRO will be sold for only 50 USD and
will offer new features compared to the old GnomeMeeting GPL version
like Palladium support, enhanced and patented audio and video codecs,
better code quality.
We decided to close the source code of GnomeMeeting because we think it
is a good way to produce more secure software.

GnomeMeeting PRO will be released tomorrow, please come back to purchase
the new version and discover our new commercial website, GnomeMeeting
GPL will be discontinued in one month.
Thanks for your support,

   @@@@         @@  |
   @kk@   @@@  @!@@ |
   @kk@  @kk@  @!!@ |       Carlos Martín Pérez
   @k@  @kk@   @!@  |
   @k@@kkk@    @@   |
   @kkkkk@          |  k ingenieriasinfronteras org
  @kkk kk@     @    |    carlitos martinperez com
  @kk@ @kk@   @!@   |       k cimat ues edu sv
  @@@@  @@@@   @    |

             Alguien llegará suavemente.
            Con el susurro de su silencio,
        apartará el velo que oculta tus ojos...
  sólo entonces verás lo que antes apenas mirabas.


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