[GnomeMeeting-list] where does gm find video driver information

Hi,  im trying to get my driver working with gm  it pretty much works
with gqcam to get a great picture need lots of light,  but when i run
gnomemeeting i get told that the driver doesnt support the selected
color mode which is BGR  the driver does support it  but im thinking
that gm looks somewhere different to where the driver provides it.  i
have an intel webcam using the spca50x driver.  i can tell tre driver to
switch to RGB  but it doesnt work either so where does gm look so i can
provide the correct data?

[dennis ws2 dennis]$ cat /proc/video/spca50x/video0
driver          : SPCA50X USB Camera
driver_version  : 0.20
model           : Intel PC Camera Pro
streaming       : no
grabbing        : no
compress        : no
data_format     : BGR
brightness      : 0
colour          : 0
hue             : 0
contrast        : 0
num_frames      : 4
curframe        : -1
lastFrameRead   : -1
Avg. luminance  : 0x0 0
frame           : 0
  sequence      : -1
  grabstate     : 1
  depth         : 24
  size          : 160 120
  format        : GREY
  data_buffer   : 0x00000000
frame           : 1
  sequence      : 9
  grabstate     : 3
  depth         : 24
  size          : 160 120
  format        : GREY
  data_buffer   : 0x00000000
frame           : 2
  sequence      : 10
  grabstate     : 3
  depth         : 24
  size          : 160 120
  format        : GREY
  data_buffer   : 0x00000000
frame           : 3
  sequence      : 12
  grabstate     : 3
  depth         : 24
  size          : 160 120
  format        : GREY
  data_buffer   : 0x00000000
snap_enabled    : no
packet_size     : 0
internal ccd    : yes
framebuffer     : 0x00000000

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