Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Re: newbie on Gnomemeeting


Before, you should compile pwlib and openH323.
You can just follow the instructions on GnomeMeeting's Website. It's very easy !! ;-)
You will find them here :


Citation de  AW <awaco free fr>:

>>Le Jeudi 28 Novembre 2002 15:17, Miguel Rodríguez a
>>écrit :
>>> You should look in the preferences dialog, under
>>directory settings, for
>>> a check box to register to the ils server.
>>> It's easier to do in newer versions of GnomeMeeting, so
>>i suggest you to
>>> upgrade to latest version.
>>not so easy ... because if I download the 9.1 version,
>>with Openh and 
>>pwlib, i'm asked to have a lot of new .lib. files ...
>>I download the version for Red-Hat in .rpm 
>>antoine Waché
>>GnomeMeeting-list mailing list
>>GnomeMeeting-list gnome org

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