[GnomeMeeting-list] Gnome v2 supported or required?

Hi all,

After having stability problems with the latest RPM of gnomemeeting, I
decided to try build from the latest CVS snapshot. When I try to run
autogen.sh, I get a bomnbout with the following error:

[minfrin jessica gnomemeeting-2002-05-23]$ ./autogen.sh 
which: no gnome-autogen.sh in
You need to install gnome-common from the GNOME CVS

>From the above it would seem I am required to installed Gnome v2 (I am
running latest Ximian Gnome v1.4). Is this the case, or is this a bug?

If autogen.sh is broken, is there an alrenative way of producing the
./configure file?

minfrin sharp fm		"There's a moon
					over Bourbon Street

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