Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] rapport de bug

le ven 17-05-2002 à 13:21, sebastien florence-courtand a écrit :
> Salut


(This is an english mailing list, so please try to speak english so that
others can beneficiate of your mail).

> Pour commencer, je comprends pas pourquoi dans le faq de GM, il est ecrit 
> que la video ne passe pas si on utilise GM avec netmeeting.
> Dans mes test (en local) ca marche sans pb.
Which Question?
The FAQ doesn't say that. The FAQ simply says that there can be problems
with Netmeeting when the picture size is set to big.
It never happened to me though.

But video works of course very well with Netmeeting.

> Et puis, j'ai trouvé un bug : ci-joint le rapport de l'historique.

I don't know how to read .kwd files, sorry.

> En fait, c'est quand on change le format de la webcam, GM ne relance pas 
> correctement le protocole de connexion.
> Il oubli de demander la transmission video.

It is a GConf bug for Gnome1. Sometimes, Gconf internally crashes and
looses settings. This is why video transmission doesn't start.

If you do a killall -9 gconfd-1 after having exited GnomeMeeting, it
should work.

GConf2 doesn't seem to have that problem.
> cf. fichier joint
> Merci
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