Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Snapshot rpms.

Miguel Rodríguez wrote:
El jue, 16-05-2002 a las 01:58, Carl-Johan Kjellander escribió:

--- gnomemeeting-2002-05-15/	Wed May 15 01:00:38 2002
+++ gnomemeeting-2002-05-15/	Wed May 15 22:52:48 2002
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
schemas_DATA = $(SCHEMAS_FILE)

install-schemas: gnomemeeting.schema
-	gconftool --shutdown
+	GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=$(GCONF_SCHEMA_CONFIG_SOURCE) gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule $(SCHEMAS_FILE)
+	gconftool-2 --shutdown

install-data-local: install-schemas


Ummmm, I don't care much about this patch, but shouldn't distros
configure gconftool to be just a symlink to just gconftool-1 or
gconftool-2? In fact, for the purpose of installing the schemas it just
doesn't matter what version of gconf you use.

I talked to a Red Hat guy and he said that RH won't put a symlink from
gconftool to gconftool-whatever. I remaid the patch so now
checks for gconftool-2 explicitly, and the 0.9x branch of gnomemeeting
needs gnome2 anyway so I think it's resonable to use gconftool-2.

Does anybody know an AC-makro that gives the correct gconftool to use
automatically so you don't have to use 'gconftool-2' as a constant?

I updated the rpms to the latest snapshot, try them out at:

/Carl-Johan Kjellander

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diff -Naur gnomemeeting-2002-05-16.vanilla/ gnomemeeting-2002-05-16/
--- gnomemeeting-2002-05-16.vanilla/	Thu May 16 11:51:10 2002
+++ gnomemeeting-2002-05-16/	Thu May 16 11:52:42 2002
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
 schemas_DATA = $(SCHEMAS_FILE)
 install-schemas: gnomemeeting.schema
-	gconftool --shutdown
+	$(GCONFTOOL) --shutdown
 install-data-local: install-schemas
diff -Naur gnomemeeting-2002-05-16.vanilla/ gnomemeeting-2002-05-16/
--- gnomemeeting-2002-05-16.vanilla/	Thu May 16 11:51:10 2002
+++ gnomemeeting-2002-05-16/	Thu May 16 11:55:38 2002
@@ -51,6 +51,10 @@
 dnl ############################################################################
 dnl GConf related settings
 dnl ############################################################################
+AC_PATH_PROG(GCONFTOOL, gconftool-2, no)
+if test x"$GCONFTOOL" = xno; then
+  AC_MSG_ERROR([gconftool-2 executable not found in your path - should be installed with GConf])

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