Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Tests : please

Damien Sandras wrote:

le ven 01-03-2002 à 08:26, Narboux Julien a écrit :

Damien Sandras wrote:

To all of you. There were problems for some of you with video.
- With video preview activated, sometimes you go "Could not open
the video device" when beginning the video transmission.
There is a new GnomeMeeting available on

- Sometimes, some of you had to start xawtv before being able to use
the video in gnomemeeting. I noticed that 14 ioctl's where made
in pwlib when only a few of them are really needed. That can disturb some
drivers. That is why I made a patch on pwlib. you have to use the current
pwlib, and apply the patch (if pwlib is extracted in /opt to be in /opt/pwlib,
just cd /opt, do patch -p 0 < video4linux_patch, compile and install the new lib.)

Everything can be found on

I really need that you test that before submitting to Equivalence because
I need to be sure that my patch works fine and improves things!
Please, please test!

I have got a bug in g++ when I try to compile gm on mdk 8.1 !

Do you have the same problem ? is there a workaround ?


You don't have enough RAM or SWAP.
Try to increase your swap, and compile from the console, without X being
active at all...

/home/jnarboux/temp/pwlib/tools/asnparser/obj_linux_x86_r/asnparser -m H235 -c /home/jnarboux/temp/openh323/src/h235.asn
ASNParse version 1.5.3 for Unix Linux by Equivalence
mv /home/jnarboux/temp/openh323/src/h235.h /home/jnarboux/temp/openh323/include/h235.h /home/jnarboux/temp/pwlib/tools/asnparser/obj_linux_x86_r/asnparser -s3 -m H245
-c /home/jnarboux/temp/openh323/src/h245.asn
ASNParse version 1.5.3 for Unix Linux by Equivalence
mv /home/jnarboux/temp/openh323/src/h245.h /home/jnarboux/temp/openh323/include/h245.h g++ -Wall -DP_LINUX -mcpu=i586 -D_REENTRANT -DP_HAS_SEMAPHORES -fPIC -DP_PTHREADS -DPBYTE_ORDER=PLITTLE_ENDIAN -I/home/jnarboux/temp/pwlib/include/ptlib/unix -DPTRACING -I/home/jnarboux/temp/openh323/include -DHAS_IXJ -DHAS_OSS -DHAS_CU30 -DPTRACING -I/home/jnarboux/temp/pwlib/include -O3 -DNDEBUG -c /home/jnarboux/temp/openh323/src/h225_1.cxx -o /home/jnarboux/temp/openh323/lib/obj_linux_x86_r/h225_1.o
g++: Internal error: Processus arr?t? (program cc1plus)
Please submit a full bug report.
See <URL:> for instructions.
make[1]: *** [/home/jnarboux/temp/openh323/lib/obj_linux_x86_r/h225_1.o] Erreur
make[1]: Quitte le répertoire `/home/jnarboux/temp/openh323/src'
make: *** [opt] Erreur 2

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Gnomemeeting-list gnome org

I have got 192mo ram and 256 Mo swap  ! it's strange

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