Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Gnome 2

In which case, birthday congratulations, you've done an absolutely great job! 
The other week, I tried it with a dedicated videoconferencing appliance - 
BOOM, instant video chat, no complaints at all. Living a long way from home, 
I can't say how much I owe to you for this - you've put in a hell of a lot of 
work and boy does it show!


On Wednesday 26 June 2002 21:40, Damien Sandras wrote:
> Gnome 2 has been officially released today. Champagne!!
> Next week, GnomeMeeting is one year old (at least, the first release
> happened one year ago, but Im working on it since 2 years). Champagne again
> ;)
> Damien
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