Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] gnomemeeting

Le Mardi 3 Décembre 2002 09:44, Damien Sandras a écrit :
> It probalby comes from bad configuration on your side.
> Are you NATted?

A friend-user makes this command on MY IP on seconix :

nmap -O
Starting nmap V. 3.00 ( )
Note: Host seems down. If it is really up, but blocking our ping probes, try 
Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (0 hosts up) scanned in 30 seconds
the user on his PC :
nmap -O
Starting nmap V. 3.00 ( )
Interesting ports on (
(The 1594 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
Port       State       Service
80/tcp     open        http                    
443/tcp    open        https                   
515/tcp    open        printer                 
631/tcp    open        ipp                     
1720/tcp   open        H.323/Q.931             
6000/tcp   open        X11                     
7000/tcp   open        afs3-fileserver         
Remote operating system guess: Linux Kernel 2.4.0 - 2.5.20
Uptime 0.134 days (since Mon Dec  2 19:35:35 2002)

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 7 second
So, it works on the user but not with my IP ...
problem of firewall ?

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