[GnomeMeeting-list] Re: [OpenH323]How to set this up ? (Damien Sandras)

gnomemeeting-list gnome org writes:
>I think it is more a question for the GnomeMeeting list. I never tried
>myself, but I think you have 2 solutions :
>- either you configure isdnh323 to act as a gatekeeper and you simply
>give the phone number as URL
>- either isdn2h323 works as a gateway and you simply do something like
>11234323432 my gateway net
>It should call the given phone number before the "@".
>Can you please confirm me that this works?
>I think that in the CISCO call manager, you predefine the number to pass
>before the "@" and associate it to a phone number in the config of the
>cisco call manager.
> _      Damien Sandras
>(o-     GnomeMeeting - H.323 Videoconferencing Application -
>//\             web:  http://www.gnomemeeting.org/
>v_/_    H.323 phone:  callto://ils.seconix.com/dsandras seconix com

The syntax totally depends on the gatekeeper/gateway. The
RadvisionL2W-323/Cisco 3520 requires that you use the same gatekeeper that
the gateway is registered with and then send a preprogrammed prefix to the
Gateway (9 for audio and 82 for 1 or 2 x 64 video are the defaults). 

Some systems use # and others use * as the default delimiter between the
prefix and the numbers you wish to dial.


 James Field
Mendocino County Office of Education
Northcoast Technology Assistance Project
707-467-5076 (voice)
707-468-5781 (fax)

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