Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] WIN32 report

Hello Alex,

On Thursday 04 May 2006 19:33, Alejandro Blanco Martín wrote:
> Hello Michael,
> I have downloaded your Ekiga-win32 from your web page and it works
> perfectly!
Nice to hear that. Yes all the bugs which I mentioned have been resolved now.

> I would like to prepare in my computer an enviroment in order to compile
> ekiga´s sources and get the executable binaries, I would like to see how
> to integrate audio/video recording. I have read in ekiga web page that
> opal and pwlib libraries are needed, so I have looked for information
> about these two libraries and I have found the next web page to compile
> them ( and
> I am trying to compile
> it using Ms Visual C++ .net.
Well, we are a bunch of Linux guys. So, currently, we crosscompile under Linux 
for Win32. That is what my Makefile does. I don't think that anybody has 
tried yet to compile Ekiga on MSVC, but it would be a great achievment. If 
you want to start a MSVC project look at the various s in the 
Ekiga source to see what files have to be compiled. My Makefile can show you 
which components in addition to Ekiga, Pwlib and Opal are needed.
> I have seen that your scritps to build the windows release include
> makefile for opal and pwlib, do you think it would be better to use
> another enviroment instead of MS Visual C++ .net and use the makefile
> you provide? is it possible to use that makefiles and MS Visual C++? My
> question may be are nonsense, I`m sorry, I´m newbie with C++ enviroments..
> Thanks in adavance,
> Alex.
Since I do not own MS Visual C++ .net I cannot comment on that. I do all my 
programming under Linux using the GNU tools and have a Windows-XP laptop to 
test the outcome. The GNU tools for Win32 can be found at They 
do their job, but need an enormous amount of RAM (> 1GB) for linking against 
Opal. The official Win32 port page at is 
a bit outdated now. If you want to switch over to Linux I can give you some 
advice how to setup your build environment.

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