Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] [TOO LONG] Improving the dbus component after 2.0

Damien Ciabrini a �it :
On Thu, 2006-03-16 at 16:54 +0100, Julien PUYDT wrote:
2) D.Ciabrini (again ;-) ) wanted some way to access the history ; that
would be a new interface net.ekiga.history. After some discussion, we
agreed that being able to ask for the n last items of history (and
getting less if there are not enough) was both simple and sufficient.

This would give something like this :

   <interface name="net.ekiga.history">
     <method name="GetReceivedCalls">
       <arg type="u" name="at_most" direction="in"/>
       <arg type="as" direction="out"/>
     <method name="GetPlacedCalls">
       <arg type="u" name="at_most" direction="in"/>
       <arg type="as" direction="out"/>
     <method name="GetMissedCalls">
       <arg type="u" name="at_most" direction="in"/>
       <arg type="as" direction="out"/>

Notice that I still have to figure out exactly what would be returned in
the strings, since as far as I know we can have the date+time, the
remote user address, the end reason, the duration and the software.
Perhaps not all of that data for all call types :-/

This new interface looks good to me. As for the return type, maybe the
solution could be to return an array of hashtables, since this kind of
type can be expressed in dbus. it would give something like:

     <method name="GetMissedCalls">
         <arg type="u" name="at_most" direction="in"/>
         <arg type="a{is}" direction="out"/>

The hashtable would map ints (the keys) to strings (the values). This
may be more complex to implement in C but it believe it would accomodate
people using scripting langages such as python (including me of
course :P)

Hmmm... could you elaborate on how you would get reasonable data out of a hashtable while still conveniently allowing future evolutions ? :-/


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